Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The beginning

So I've decided to start blogging about my daily eve activities. I'm in no way a vet to EVE Online just a noob who's enjoyed everything in game. So a little about me, i've been playing eve since February of 2011, and i begun my journey as a miner flying comorant destroyers.
Lately ive been running missionesfor caldari agents. I know that this is a very brief summary but my past isnt why im writting this blog. This has been created to help me grow as a EVE player. The last few weeks have seen a growing, im not sure, hunger?, for pvp combat, ive engaged my fellow corp members a couple times and im fining the fights much more enjoyable as we work to hack each other to pieces.

So missioning for me has become all about standing, to work my way to a 8.00 and get jump clones. with tme my implants will be safe and i can get training implants to assist my longer term training times. Im currently flying punishers with AF's and interceptors as my next long term goals, i have to skill up a lot more before then, so it'll be a few months before i will even be owning one or the other. so this is Scattered Void, my thoughts, experiences, and tales from EVE Online